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B R A N D  C O M M U N I C A T I O N S

Making the complex; simple, beautiful.

Ever since kindergarten, I told my parents I wanted to be a commercial artist.  That's what they called it back in 1977. Since that young epiphany and many full sketchbooks later, I've amassed 20+ years of design experience—much of it spent building healthcare and specialty food brands.

That's what I love to do. Understand and interpret complex products and processes then transform them into simple, beautiful communications. That's what Ography means. Transforming brands through strategic and thoughtful typography, photography—any ography for that matter—to create a human connection. An emotion. An action.


Dana Muhlke

Founder + Creative Director

550 North Clay Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122

Tel: 314.610.6969

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